let's start with the westerners of toynbee and arnold toynbee's grumshi, there is a concept with thesm of the soul, this situation, when virtue, style and purpose leave the life of a creative minority and the language of manners, behavior and culture is vulgarized. . the matrons began to imitate the behavior of women from the bottom, including prostitutes from cheap lunaria. with the chism of the soul transforms the creative minority. simply in the dominant, devoid of the content of the core and, therefore, doomed to social death of one of the central concepts of antonio gramsci, cultural hegemony, we are talking about the dominance of the ruling class in the thunder-sheit bourgeoisie in the sphere of values of ideas and culture, mass culture, what the georgian called with bigniv titaint, mixed up with bare lawyers, that is, consumption used by the top. usa to conquer the consciousness and subconsciousness of the peoples of other countries, as well as their own population returned to her like a boomerang. we will take your children, gramsci said referring to the bourgeoisie, and