. >> arnold wong. phyllis johnson. james wirley, marlee, kenny yu, mike skernl and rene zoey. >> thank you, with all speaking the neighbors that resides upstairs sent me a separate e-mail stating that it not about the space, it's about a personal relationship with jim or their lack of. so she made it very clear that it was personal. so that long e-mail i think doesn't hold much weight in my opinion as the owner. she rent from me equally as well. i'm just saying how i see it and how i read it. 93 years old is how old my father is today. he started the business in 1956. he started the confound to raise his family. when he bought the building, the person selling it was asking if it's okay to sell to an asian family. i grew up in this area. his vision became his pride. he became part of the neighborhood. he was the hub of the neighborhood. it quickly became that and he was quickly glued in the fabric to build for blocks on end. this was before the days, not like we have now with big box and trader joes and on and on. since