Jan 7, 2012
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arpaio and the illegal immigrants, as he calls them.the entire jail on lockdown and going to address the media. >> are you lining up a podium or something out there? >> last report i heard, there's approximately 5,000 protesters, because of sheriff arpaio's stance on illegal immigration, he's a nationwide figure and they're bussing in protesters from the los angeles area as well as texas. >> we came from los angeles and we're here to protest sheriff arpaio's policies toward immigrants, undocumented people and just in general. i feel he's doing a lot of, like, inhumane type of, you know, activities in arizona. >> so we've got a little situation. >> si, se puede. si, se puede. >> deputies in riot gear secure the facilities closest and special response teams have been deployed to o-yard. >> we have heightened security on the yard now in case something does happen. my squad, c-squad is on the compound. the inmates can sense a change in routine. they sense something's out of the norm. they see srtc-squad here. it's not a big deal. we spend 3
arpaio and the illegal immigrants, as he calls them.the entire jail on lockdown and going to address the media. >> are you lining up a podium or something out there? >> last report i heard, there's approximately 5,000 protesters, because of sheriff arpaio's stance on illegal immigration, he's a nationwide figure and they're bussing in protesters from the los angeles area as well as texas. >> we came from los angeles and we're here to protest sheriff arpaio's policies toward...
Jan 20, 2012
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en un comunicado escrito el alguacil arpaio dijo que la persona se excede cuando amenaza con un actocia en contra de otra.. creemos que el creador de este sitio definitivament e se excedi.. el alguacil arpaio envi detectives a las oficinas centrales de google en mountain view para entregar una orden de cateo y tratar de rastrear al dueÑo de la pgina. s.o.t. goldman 1:49:00 but it may not want to be so free with giving into police officer request, at some point that does become an invasion of user privacy... el profesor goldman dice que no es tan claro que si la pgina es una amenaza a oficiales, y que google debe mantener un balance entre seguridad e invasin de privasidad. cu ---hacemos la primera pausa cu ---hacemos la primera pausa en el noticiero y al regresar, vamos a mexico... take vo ...donde ingresamos a las casas que las autoridades han incautado a los cpos del narcotrafico... take sot "---mas adelante en acceso total sandra echeverria nos cuenta como se siente de ser parte de "relaciones peligrosas" quedense con nosotros..." segment ends cu ---en el partido republicano ---en
en un comunicado escrito el alguacil arpaio dijo que la persona se excede cuando amenaza con un actocia en contra de otra.. creemos que el creador de este sitio definitivament e se excedi.. el alguacil arpaio envi detectives a las oficinas centrales de google en mountain view para entregar una orden de cateo y tratar de rastrear al dueÑo de la pgina. s.o.t. goldman 1:49:00 but it may not want to be so free with giving into police officer request, at some point that does become an invasion of...
Jan 20, 2012
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cu - anchor varias amenazas de muerte provocaron que joe arpaio, el alguacil conocido por sus redadas en contra de indocumentados, enviara a varios de sus detectives al area de la baha.. jaime peluffo nos explica de que se trata todo esto.. jaime.. take anchor live cu - peluffo csar, las amenazas de muerte aparecen en una pgina de internet asi que la oficina de arpaio entreg una orden de cateo al gigante de la internet google.. take pkg la pgina targeting cops-punto com que usa el templete blogspot que es propiedad de gooogle, no deja duda sobre su filosofa.. una de las fotos muestra al oficial william coleman del condado de maricopa asesinado el 8 de enero con el lema 'officer down' lol, o polica caido y el acrnimo de risa.. la pgina tambin amenaza al alguacil joe arpaio usando su foto y un anuncio que dice se busca y subraya la palabra muerto. eric goldman es un profesor de derecho en el instituto de alta tecnologa de la universidad de santa clara. s.o.t. eric goldman/profesor de derecho 1:10:00 courts struggle between drawing that line between first ammendment values and protecting
cu - anchor varias amenazas de muerte provocaron que joe arpaio, el alguacil conocido por sus redadas en contra de indocumentados, enviara a varios de sus detectives al area de la baha.. jaime peluffo nos explica de que se trata todo esto.. jaime.. take anchor live cu - peluffo csar, las amenazas de muerte aparecen en una pgina de internet asi que la oficina de arpaio entreg una orden de cateo al gigante de la internet google.. take pkg la pgina targeting cops-punto com que usa el templete...
Jan 5, 2012
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. >>> y vence el plazo para arpaio diga si vea a dependo er y renunciÓ el obispo y serÁ padre de susjos. >>> y este es su noticiero univisiÓn con jorge ramos y marÍa elena salinas. >>> muy buenas noches ocho votos solo por ocho votos ganÓ romney en la contienda para escoger a un candidato. pero la sorpresa de la noche fue el senador santorum con el 25%. y la contienda estÁ en ahora en new hampshire con una menos porque michelle bachmann se retira. victorioso en iowa, y recibieron importante respaldo del senador mcca mcin. >>> el triunfo o de romney es un ejemplo de que cada voto cuenta. >>> durante horas estuvo empatado con santorum, pero en el resultado final ganÓ por 8 votos. >>> no hemos visto un empate tan increÍble como lo que vimos entre santorum, y romney. y esto quiere decir que realmente el partido republicano ahora tiene tres distintas fracciones. >>> tres por que el tercer lugar fue del congresista paul con un importante apoyo de votantes que son ind pendientes. >>> la campaÑa de romney invirtiÓ tiempo y dinero para tratar de entusiasmar a votantes peso. >>> santorum no tu
. >>> y vence el plazo para arpaio diga si vea a dependo er y renunciÓ el obispo y serÁ padre de susjos. >>> y este es su noticiero univisiÓn con jorge ramos y marÍa elena salinas. >>> muy buenas noches ocho votos solo por ocho votos ganÓ romney en la contienda para escoger a un candidato. pero la sorpresa de la noche fue el senador santorum con el 25%. y la contienda estÁ en ahora en new hampshire con una menos porque michelle bachmann se retira. victorioso en...
Jan 6, 2012
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cu ---el polmico alguacil del condado de maricopa en arizona, joe arpaio, anunci hoy que se presentarnoviembre. take vo ---arpaio, quien fue elegido como alguacil en 1992, y ha estado en el cargo durante 5 trminos, asegur en un comunicado de prensa que su responsabilid ad es cumplir con las leyes del estado. ---agreg que ya ha recaudado 6 millones de dolares para su campaÑa. ---actualmente, arpaio se enfrenta a serias acusaciones del departamento de justicia por presuntamente utilizar practicas de perfil racista. cu ---el presidente barack obama, anunci hoy el mayor retiro militar de la ltima decada para volver a la situacin anterior a george w. bush. take vo ---el ejrcito de estados unidos tendr hasta 80 mil soldados menos, reducir su presencia en europa e intentar evitar nuevas guerras largas o en solitario. ---el pentgono tiene que cortar al menos 450 mil millones de dolares en gasto en la prxima dcada, segn el acuerdo del congreso para reducir el dficit pblico. cu ---iniciamos las internacional es en el salvador, donde el gobierno anunci hoy que levantar varios monumentos en homen
cu ---el polmico alguacil del condado de maricopa en arizona, joe arpaio, anunci hoy que se presentarnoviembre. take vo ---arpaio, quien fue elegido como alguacil en 1992, y ha estado en el cargo durante 5 trminos, asegur en un comunicado de prensa que su responsabilid ad es cumplir con las leyes del estado. ---agreg que ya ha recaudado 6 millones de dolares para su campaÑa. ---actualmente, arpaio se enfrenta a serias acusaciones del departamento de justicia por presuntamente utilizar...
Jan 31, 2012
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arpaio said he received it over the weekend and brought it to work yesterday.art of the maricopa police brought it to work which said, resign or die, sincerely arpaio. authorities say the substance was not objection to six. >>> -- toxic. >>> some accused of school board of racism. doyle park has declining enrollment and faced with 8 million in budget cuts, the school may have to be shuttered. some parents say latino students who have to transfer will suffer the most. >> whether the district cares or not this is a racialish. >> how. there has been white blight for many years. >> we have to give layoff notices by march 15th. we cannot wait, because what we have is what we have. >> district park will likely reopen as the friend much american academy which could be a charter school. they plan on the final plan february 8th or later in the month. >>> a senior administrator submitted false sat scores. they say that person has taken responsibility for the false information and has resign. the school says math and critical reading scores were inflated as much as 20 poi
arpaio said he received it over the weekend and brought it to work yesterday.art of the maricopa police brought it to work which said, resign or die, sincerely arpaio. authorities say the substance was not objection to six. >>> -- toxic. >>> some accused of school board of racism. doyle park has declining enrollment and faced with 8 million in budget cuts, the school may have to be shuttered. some parents say latino students who have to transfer will suffer the most. >>...
Jan 31, 2012
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renuncia o muere, atentamente joe arpaio"...y se despedia diciendo: "aqui hay algo de antrax para ti"a dicho que tipo de polvo contenia el sobre. cu ---la ciudad de san francisco, anunci esta tarde una nueva tctica para combatir el trafico de drogas en uno de los vecindarios mas peligrosos de la ciudad. take vo ---el abogado de la ciudad, dennis herrera present 2 demandas civiles contra 2 establecimientos comerciales, porque dice que dichos locales facilitan la venta de drogas y de mercancia robada. ---segun herrera; en los negocios, uno ubicado sobre la calle leavenworth y el otro sobre la calle ellis, se vende cocaina, crack, heroina y medicamentos sin receta entre otros estupefacient es. cu ---esta maÑana se realiz una audiencia en donde los abogados defensores de ross mirkarimi .... take vo ....y la fiscalia intercambiaro n pruebas como preparativos para el juicio penal contra el jefe del departamento del alguacil de san francisco. ---y el diario "san francisco examiner", en un articulo publicado hoy, revel que es muy probable que la fiscalia solicite la declaracin de un perito de
renuncia o muere, atentamente joe arpaio"...y se despedia diciendo: "aqui hay algo de antrax para ti"a dicho que tipo de polvo contenia el sobre. cu ---la ciudad de san francisco, anunci esta tarde una nueva tctica para combatir el trafico de drogas en uno de los vecindarios mas peligrosos de la ciudad. take vo ---el abogado de la ciudad, dennis herrera present 2 demandas civiles contra 2 establecimientos comerciales, porque dice que dichos locales facilitan la venta de drogas y...
Jan 31, 2012
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del proyecto legislativo conocido como el acta del sueÑo. >> joe arpaio contra la pared nuevamente el 0 de pedirle que vaya. >> se acusa de cometer abuso contra derechos civiles en la comunidad hispana. >> identificÓ somos sospechoso del asesinato del agente de la patrulla fronteriza ocurrida en diciembre del 2010. >> no solo la muerte del agente fue polÉmica, las armas encontradas en el lugar de los hechos estaba vinculada para co operativo rÁpi"rÁpido y furioso" >> y fueron a parar a manos de narcotraficantes. >> y con eso otra breve pausa al regresar. >> quÉ tiene que ver anticonceptivos y la iglesia catÓlica y el gobierno de barack obama. >> se los cuento al regresar. >> (♪). >> ra guerra que emprendiÓ el gobierno de mÉxico tiene dividida a la poblaciÓn, un joven empresario retÓ al presidente calderÓn por su estrategia contra el crimen organizado y ademÁs un grupo de artista que exigen el fin de la violencia. >> la voz apenas se escuchaba pero el presidente calderÓn leen tendiÓ a la perfeccion. >> y a gritos le cuestionaba por su estrategia contra el crimen organizado. >> te tranq
del proyecto legislativo conocido como el acta del sueÑo. >> joe arpaio contra la pared nuevamente el 0 de pedirle que vaya. >> se acusa de cometer abuso contra derechos civiles en la comunidad hispana. >> identificÓ somos sospechoso del asesinato del agente de la patrulla fronteriza ocurrida en diciembre del 2010. >> no solo la muerte del agente fue polÉmica, las armas encontradas en el lugar de los hechos estaba vinculada para co operativo rÁpi"rÁpido y...
Jan 19, 2012
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arpaio says he respects free speech but says the line is crossed when a person threatens violence.he has nationwide controversy for his opposition to illegal immigration and treatment of prisoners. >>> a is for apple. today apple hopes to cap light on the abc's with the announcement of a major partnership to get more ipads into american classrooms. katie marzullo is live with way preview. >> reporter: good morning. let's get one thing out of the way first. officially, apple is only saying it is an educational event. everything else is speculation, standard stuff with pell launches. the speculation is, -- that apple intends to take a big bite out of 10 billion dollar textbook industry. the company is expected to announce new tools to make it easier to public interactive books and other educational content. software would allow publishers and authors to produce more digital books like textbooks and embed video graphics in them and schools can skip buying heavy, expensive text books. thousands of schools are already experimenting with pad pilot programs. at this point there is no evid
arpaio says he respects free speech but says the line is crossed when a person threatens violence.he has nationwide controversy for his opposition to illegal immigration and treatment of prisoners. >>> a is for apple. today apple hopes to cap light on the abc's with the announcement of a major partnership to get more ipads into american classrooms. katie marzullo is live with way preview. >> reporter: good morning. let's get one thing out of the way first. officially, apple is...
Jan 5, 2012
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sheriff arpaio joins me now, good to see you again.epartment is cracking down on you making a lot of allegations, and you have said you will cooperate with them, but you want more than 100 pieces of information of their evidence against you. they've basically told you you're not getting that. they say, sheriff, that if you want to continue to debate the facts underlying the findings against you, the only option now is litigation. your reaction. >> with well, that's what they want. but let me put et this way -- put it this way, we've been cooperating for three years. in march of 2009 they launched the investigation. a hyundais after obama was elected, they went after me, the judiciary committee connors and everyone else on our illegal immigration fight. the president just recently mentioned me at the white house when some latino reporters asked when are you going to get this investigation done, mr. president. of course, he made some comments, he doesn't like the way i'm operating here with the state law. so i look at this is politics ev
sheriff arpaio joins me now, good to see you again.epartment is cracking down on you making a lot of allegations, and you have said you will cooperate with them, but you want more than 100 pieces of information of their evidence against you. they've basically told you you're not getting that. they say, sheriff, that if you want to continue to debate the facts underlying the findings against you, the only option now is litigation. your reaction. >> with well, that's what they want. but let...
Jan 6, 2012
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. >>> gracias angie y gracias como dijimos las criticas y polÉmicas que rodean a joe arpaio son impedimento el condado de maricopa quiere hacerse a su sexto mandado consecutivo, para esto tiene recaudado, escuchen esto amigos. ya tiene recaudado 6 millones td dÓlares. para su campaÑa reelecto oral. en una audiencia preliminar que se hizo en tennessee, que buscaba impedir que las cÁrceles del estado investigaran una situaciÓn migratoria de sus presos. estos intentos fueron frustrados, un abogado de inmigraciÓn le pidio alcanzo ayer del condado de cÁrceles que bloqueara estas nuevas reglas. pero la peticiÓn fue de negada temporalmente y la peticiÓn de cÁrcel para discutir la decisiÓn el prÓximo 3 de febrero. la sangre corriÓ en un penal de tamaulipas mÉxico. enfrentaron con armas blanca y dejaron un saldo de 31 muertos y muchos heridos. julio con lo detalles. todo comenzÓ como una riÑa dentro del penal. pero terminÓ en masacre. la lucha durÓ varias horas. y los reos armados con qu chif cuchillos palos y tuvos. unos 31 muertos y 13 lesionados todo fue un conflicto entre pandill pandillas. hay
. >>> gracias angie y gracias como dijimos las criticas y polÉmicas que rodean a joe arpaio son impedimento el condado de maricopa quiere hacerse a su sexto mandado consecutivo, para esto tiene recaudado, escuchen esto amigos. ya tiene recaudado 6 millones td dÓlares. para su campaÑa reelecto oral. en una audiencia preliminar que se hizo en tennessee, que buscaba impedir que las cÁrceles del estado investigaran una situaciÓn migratoria de sus presos. estos intentos fueron...
Jan 15, 2012
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but at the maricopa county jail sheriff joe arpaio chose the black and white stripe uniforms and thek underwear and socks to send a message. >> this is joe arpaio's way to separate us away from regular society. >> put them in pink underwear. because they were smuggling the white underwear out of the jail. that is the official reason. the unofficial reason, they hate pink. you never give them a color they like. why give them things they like? >> inmates sometimes alter their uniforms to fit their own fashion sense. at the orange county jail in southern california we met a transgender inmate who prefers to be called alexis. >> myself and my celly are dressed as girls and the rest are dressed as guys. >> despite his physical appearance cortez was a male inmate housed in a men's unit. >> if you are in in the process of having a sex change if you have your male genital parts you are considered a male and be housed there whether or not you have breasts or -- it's what's below the belt that counts. >> at first it was startling watching these tapes when they came in from the field we thought
but at the maricopa county jail sheriff joe arpaio chose the black and white stripe uniforms and thek underwear and socks to send a message. >> this is joe arpaio's way to separate us away from regular society. >> put them in pink underwear. because they were smuggling the white underwear out of the jail. that is the official reason. the unofficial reason, they hate pink. you never give them a color they like. why give them things they like? >> inmates sometimes alter their...
Jan 5, 2012
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cu ---llego la hora cero para el anti-inmigrante alguacil de maricopa, joe arpaio...on las investigaciones del departamento de justicia sobre abusos a los indocumentados.. cu ---vamos a la pausa pero cu ---vamos a la pausa pero regresamos enseguida... take vo ---uno de los narcotrafican tes mas peligrosos... evita que lo lleven a juicio... vera que significa esto... take sot mas adelante en acceso total.. les cuento a que artista le negaron la visa par entrar a estados unidos.. y que esta sucediendo con marc y jlo.. los espero! segment ends cu ---el capo mexicano de cu ---el capo mexicano de las drogas, benjamn arellano felix, que fue extraditado a estados unidos, se declar culpable de los delitos de asociacin ilcita y complot para lavado de dinero. take vo ---con la declaracin, se evita el juicio de uno de los cabecillas ms poderosos del narcotrfico en todo el mundo durante la decada de 1990. ---arellano podra enfrentar una pena mxima de 25 aÑos de prisin. ---la sentencia se fijar en una corte federal de san diego el 2 de abril. take vo ---en el salvador, la costumbr
cu ---llego la hora cero para el anti-inmigrante alguacil de maricopa, joe arpaio...on las investigaciones del departamento de justicia sobre abusos a los indocumentados.. cu ---vamos a la pausa pero cu ---vamos a la pausa pero regresamos enseguida... take vo ---uno de los narcotrafican tes mas peligrosos... evita que lo lleven a juicio... vera que significa esto... take sot mas adelante en acceso total.. les cuento a que artista le negaron la visa par entrar a estados unidos.. y que esta...
Jan 30, 2012
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. >>> un sobre llegÓ al despacho de joe arpaio, que contenÍa un polvo blanco, se desatÓ una emergenciaveres calcinados, por un accidente en el norte de la florida, investigado, tuvo diez muertos, y una docena de vehÍculos involucrados, denso humo por un incendio, y la niebla serÍa la causa. >>> vamos a la pausa, al saldo de lesionados, luego de un sismo en la costa peruana. y lo que muchos crimen le achacan al Árabe, otro peligroso delincuente que capturaron autoridad mexicanas, al volver. ♪. ♪. >>> el temor se apoderÓ entreperuanos, un fuerte sismo, de 6. 3 sacudiÓ a ica, se reportÓ mÁs de un centenar de eheridos, y casas daÑadas, se registraron varias replicas luego aumentando el pÁnico entre habitantes. >>> un criminal mÁs sanguinario de los zetas estÁ preso, el Árabe, tras un intenso operativo en nueva leÓn, paulina gumez cuenta cÓmo capturaron, y cuÁntos crÍmenes se le atribuyen. >>> el presidente calderÓn, visitÓ guadalajara jalisco, impera clima de violencia, respondiÓ a reclamos de un joven. >>> tranquilizate amigo. >>> explicÓ que criminales son los autores de la violencia en
. >>> un sobre llegÓ al despacho de joe arpaio, que contenÍa un polvo blanco, se desatÓ una emergenciaveres calcinados, por un accidente en el norte de la florida, investigado, tuvo diez muertos, y una docena de vehÍculos involucrados, denso humo por un incendio, y la niebla serÍa la causa. >>> vamos a la pausa, al saldo de lesionados, luego de un sismo en la costa peruana. y lo que muchos crimen le achacan al Árabe, otro peligroso delincuente que capturaron autoridad...
Jan 19, 2012
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pausa al regresar, les digo quÉ otro alguacil parece estar sgeenz lgeenz los pasos del polÉmico joe arpaioidentes son de origen extranjero de los cuales 46% ciudadanos naturalizados la poblaciÓn paga cercaes 30 millones de sdlrz dÓlares en ims federales y mÁs de 4 mil millones de impuestos de ventas, los migrantes se mueven en la economÍa, agricultura segÚn el centro de polÍtica de inmigraciÓn. recluso eso d reclu reclusos del condado de los Ángeles, presentaron una de semana contra lee vacca. no hay dÍa que pasen que celia rosales no se pregunten por quÉ wr guardia de la cÁrcel golpearon a su hermano de 18 aÑos. >>> no era una persona que era agresivo, jamÁs se me va a llenar este vacÍo >>> no estÁ sola en su denuncia, el sistema de la cÁrcel de los Ángeles, presentaron una de nan demanda contra su sheriff vacca, porque alguaciles supuestamente someten a presos como ellos incluso a detenidos que acostumbren de problemas mentales >>> hemos documentado a lo largo de aÑos docenas de casos en que bre sos h presos han sido abusados >>> muchos describen las cÁrceles de los condados de los Ángel
pausa al regresar, les digo quÉ otro alguacil parece estar sgeenz lgeenz los pasos del polÉmico joe arpaioidentes son de origen extranjero de los cuales 46% ciudadanos naturalizados la poblaciÓn paga cercaes 30 millones de sdlrz dÓlares en ims federales y mÁs de 4 mil millones de impuestos de ventas, los migrantes se mueven en la economÍa, agricultura segÚn el centro de polÍtica de inmigraciÓn. recluso eso d reclu reclusos del condado de los Ángeles, presentaron una de semana contra...
Jan 19, 2012
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arpaio says he respects free speech but says the line is crossed when a person threatens violence.e stirred nationwide controversy for his opposition to illegal immigration and treatment of prisoners. no comment from google. >>> san francisco police will be out in full force at and around candlestick park sunday as the 49ers try to return to the super bowl for the first time in 17 years. the chief has asked officers not to request sunday off making 2,000 police officers potentially available. the 49ers will have 25% more security in the stadium and the police department has added 25% more staffing as well. the chief hopes 49er fans will be better behaveed when the team battles -- behaved when the team battles the giants. many complained during last say day's game. >> we want the 9er fans to know it is for everybody. -- be as classy a fan as we are a team and city. >> the chief says officers will be on standby around the city if the 49ers win to make sure any post-game celebrations remain peaceful. >>> folks waiting for rain and snow in the sierra are celebrating today. meteorologis
arpaio says he respects free speech but says the line is crossed when a person threatens violence.e stirred nationwide controversy for his opposition to illegal immigration and treatment of prisoners. no comment from google. >>> san francisco police will be out in full force at and around candlestick park sunday as the 49ers try to return to the super bowl for the first time in 17 years. the chief has asked officers not to request sunday off making 2,000 police officers potentially...
Jan 20, 2012
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arpaio has received threats before. this was credible. the blogger praised the killing of deputy william coleman gunned down in the line of during the last week as a hero and posted a photo with the slain cops with the words, lol. although free speech on the internet is protected the death threat may cross the line into criminal activity. google declined an interview but said, "like all law-abiding companies, we comply with valid legal process." cnet's executive editor molly wood says internet companies like google get frequent requests from law enforcement to help track down people suspected of crimes. >> you know, there really does have to be a legal reason for a law enforcement agency to request this information. and in fact the judge has to agree to grant a search warrant. they can't just come in and say i need records on a certain person. there has to be a standard of proof. >> reporter: it's not just police agencies. governments request a lot of information from the internet service providers. in fact, dana, the united states govern
arpaio has received threats before. this was credible. the blogger praised the killing of deputy william coleman gunned down in the line of during the last week as a hero and posted a photo with the slain cops with the words, lol. although free speech on the internet is protected the death threat may cross the line into criminal activity. google declined an interview but said, "like all law-abiding companies, we comply with valid legal process." cnet's executive editor molly wood says...
Jan 6, 2012
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. >>> y el alguacil arpaio dijo oficialmente que se postularÁ por sexta vez al cargo que ocupa, y la. >>> volvemos y se los explicamos. >>> ♪. >>> comerciales en dÓnde ap parnz adolescentes hablando sobase xo genera polÉmica. videos son parte de campaÑa del departamento de salud de new york para prevenir em bars y enfermedades de transmisiÓn sexual y blanca rosa vio los voy ideÓs y tiene las reacciones. >>> estos jÓvenes no son actores y ni tampoco estÁn leyendo un libreto. se trata de estudiantes que participan en la serie mÁs que solo sexo, una campaÑa lan ada a travÉs de la internet, por el departamento de salud de new york. >>> esos diÁlogos son de calle, pero diÁlogo es que tienen que aprendo pero entender. >>> son los diÁlogos con los que algunos tienen problemas. >>> a travÉs de cinco videos uso a un jerga y frases comunes, para referirse a los condÓnes y actividades sexuales. >>> en uno de ellos un joven dice no usar condÓn, porque no estÁ de moda. y al final aparece una larga lista de las diferentes enfermedades que podrÍa crear si no se protege. >>> ridÍcula. obscena. falta
. >>> y el alguacil arpaio dijo oficialmente que se postularÁ por sexta vez al cargo que ocupa, y la. >>> volvemos y se los explicamos. >>> ♪. >>> comerciales en dÓnde ap parnz adolescentes hablando sobase xo genera polÉmica. videos son parte de campaÑa del departamento de salud de new york para prevenir em bars y enfermedades de transmisiÓn sexual y blanca rosa vio los voy ideÓs y tiene las reacciones. >>> estos jÓvenes no son actores y ni...
Jan 31, 2012
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it listed controversial sheriff joe arpaio as the sender.tors say the letter told the president to "resign or die." and also had a white powder inside. the sheriff says his signature was forged. arpaio is under scrutiny for his anti-legal immigration tactics. >>> investors participating in a deal to slash greece's massive debt could face an overall loss on their bond holdings of more than 70% according to a person inside the negotiations in brussels. the big losses are produced by cutting the face valley of bonds by 50%, by extending repayment deadlines to 30 years and cutting the average interest rate to between 3.5% and 4%. the eurozone leaders hope to finalize a debt deal this week. >>> the news is not affecting the world's stock markets so far. right now european and asian stock markets are up. u.s. futures are down. >>> now 5:19. the u.n. experts say they support japan's intention to run stress tests at its nuclear plants. the stress tests are computer simulations that evaluate a nuclear reactor's resilience. japan's government will use
it listed controversial sheriff joe arpaio as the sender.tors say the letter told the president to "resign or die." and also had a white powder inside. the sheriff says his signature was forged. arpaio is under scrutiny for his anti-legal immigration tactics. >>> investors participating in a deal to slash greece's massive debt could face an overall loss on their bond holdings of more than 70% according to a person inside the negotiations in brussels. the big losses are...
Jan 31, 2012
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maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio is being asked to resign by a phoenix commission. the city's human relation commission, which was formed to tackle issues of equality, tasked a committee calling for arpaio's resignation. he's been under growing scrutiny since the justice department accused his office of racial profiling against latinos. arpaio says he has no plans to resign. >>> the race for florida has become an all-out war between gingrich and romney. many calling florida the tiebreaker between the two. we'll talk with both camps about the future of the race, the man behind the gingrich campaign coming your way next. >>> but first, we live in an era of 72-day marriages, unfaithful politicians, and drifthrough divorces, which is exactly why we want to give a shout-out to wilbur and teresa, married for nearly eight decades. yes, you heard me right. 78 years and still counting. the vegas couple is the longest married couple in the united states. so what's the secret? wilbur says, quote, it's very simple. it's give and take and compromise. wilbur and teresa, i now pro
maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio is being asked to resign by a phoenix commission. the city's human relation commission, which was formed to tackle issues of equality, tasked a committee calling for arpaio's resignation. he's been under growing scrutiny since the justice department accused his office of racial profiling against latinos. arpaio says he has no plans to resign. >>> the race for florida has become an all-out war between gingrich and romney. many calling florida the...
Jan 31, 2012
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. >>> y un sobre sospechoso llegÓ a joe arpaio, contenÍa un polvo blanco, un equipo especializado evacuocaba de renunciar el jefe de la policÍa de eas haven en conecticut por supuesta discriminaciÓn contra latinos, la semana pasada, 4 agentes fueron arrestados por el fbi por abuso de hispanos, que incluye arrestos falsos y hallanamientos ilegales. >>> un hombre estuvo a punto de ser deportado por error, en texas, no se presentÓ para una aaudiencia por mala asesorÍa de un abogado, a pesar de tener un estatus de protecciÓn temporal, casi le cues separarse de los suyos, le otorgaron un permiso para permanecer en el paÍs. >>> vamos a la primera pausa, enseguida la tienda donde@ grabn la que no podÍa amar. >>> y mÁs adelante, mi reina del dolor, el nuevo video de manÁ, en primicia. >>> vamos con jackie, y el tiempo, adelante. >>> gracias pamela y amigo, al regresar un maravilloso regalo de la madre naturaleza luego de la pausa en "primer impacto." ♪ . ♪. ♪. >>> encontraron un feto no desarrollaro en un niÑo de 3 aÑos, en perÚ, se trataba su hermano gemelo, los restos que incruyen cabello, hue
. >>> y un sobre sospechoso llegÓ a joe arpaio, contenÍa un polvo blanco, un equipo especializado evacuocaba de renunciar el jefe de la policÍa de eas haven en conecticut por supuesta discriminaciÓn contra latinos, la semana pasada, 4 agentes fueron arrestados por el fbi por abuso de hispanos, que incluye arrestos falsos y hallanamientos ilegales. >>> un hombre estuvo a punto de ser deportado por error, en texas, no se presentÓ para una aaudiencia por mala asesorÍa de un...
Jan 31, 2012
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it listed joe arpie -- arpaio. part of the maricopa county sheriff's office was evacuated when the letter was opened and a white powdery substance was found inside. there was also a note inside that read "resign or die, sin sirly, joe arpai." >>> vice president joe biden is now revealing that he had reservations about last year's raid that killed osama bin laden. the vice president made the remarks at a democratic congressional retreat this weekend. biden says he told the president he wanted more evidence that bin laden was actually at the pakistan compound they were going to target. biden says all of the top advisers were hesitant accept for then cia director, leon panetta. >>> well, today, president obama plans to send legislation to congress to expand tax breaks for small -- for small businesses. this hopefully would add jobs and raise wages. the legislation is based on bipartisan proposals. it could win support even in an election year. >>> house republicans are expanding their speculation into the obama admini
it listed joe arpie -- arpaio. part of the maricopa county sheriff's office was evacuated when the letter was opened and a white powdery substance was found inside. there was also a note inside that read "resign or die, sin sirly, joe arpai." >>> vice president joe biden is now revealing that he had reservations about last year's raid that killed osama bin laden. the vice president made the remarks at a democratic congressional retreat this weekend. biden says he told the...
Jan 29, 2012
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sheriff joe arpaio says he simply wants to motivate inmates to not come back. >> our meals went up from5 cents to 18. i'm not too happy with that. you know, we have a little inflation. we give them two meals a day. >> brunch. >> this is it. that's all you get until dinnertime. >> usually a bologna sandwich, an orange, donated cookies. and at night they get a hot meal. >> a lot of these guys won't talk up but i'm going tell you what i think. the food here is garbage, bro. >> you don't eat it? >> no. >> how come? >> the only reason i eat is the fruit. the only reason i take the tray is so that i can talk to everybody in the run. because when they give you your food, the trap stays opened until they pick it up. i don't eat it, though. >> we throw more of it away than we eat, honestly. the food that we get -- >> well, once you serve it you can't use it for anything else. do you have food in wyoming? >> we do. and we recognize it. no, but seriously. >> i've got more people in jail than you have in your whole state. >> you've got that right. >> the two meals for every one of its 8,000 inmates
sheriff joe arpaio says he simply wants to motivate inmates to not come back. >> our meals went up from5 cents to 18. i'm not too happy with that. you know, we have a little inflation. we give them two meals a day. >> brunch. >> this is it. that's all you get until dinnertime. >> usually a bologna sandwich, an orange, donated cookies. and at night they get a hot meal. >> a lot of these guys won't talk up but i'm going tell you what i think. the food here is...
Jan 19, 2012
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the same post shows shows arpaio. >>> shares of zinga slipped 6% today after getting a neutral ratingrom analyst. the san francisco based online game developer host 50 cents per share after the report questioned their growth prospects. shares started at $10. >>> stocks hit a 6 month high on wall street today on news that the international monetary fund is increasing its effort to ease europe's debt crisis. the nasdaq was up 41 points at the end of trading. >>> it appears the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter for michael jackson's death will not have to pay restitution to the family. the jackson family asked them to drop it. murray had his medical license suspended earlier this month. he is currently appealing his conviction. >>> the number is stunning. how many sexual assaults are reported each year in the military and how that may be just the tip of the iceberg. >>> first, activists in antarctica are injured, who they got in a fight with, and i thought that i had enough coping skills. it's like a pressure cooker and you know you want somebody desperately to, to trip that v
the same post shows shows arpaio. >>> shares of zinga slipped 6% today after getting a neutral ratingrom analyst. the san francisco based online game developer host 50 cents per share after the report questioned their growth prospects. shares started at $10. >>> stocks hit a 6 month high on wall street today on news that the international monetary fund is increasing its effort to ease europe's debt crisis. the nasdaq was up 41 points at the end of trading. >>> it...
Jan 19, 2012
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the same post shows shows arpaio. >>> shares of zinga slipped 6% today after getting a neutral ratingrancisco based online game developer host 50 cents per share after the report questioned their growth prospects. shares started at $10. >>> stocks hit a 6 month high on wall street today on news that the international monetary fund is increasing its effort to ease europe's debt crisis. the nasdaq was up 41 points at the end of trading. >>> it appears the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter for michael jackson's death will not have to pay restitution to the family. the jackson family asked them to drop it. murray had his medical license suspended earlier this month. he is currently appealing his conviction. >>> the number is stunning. how many sexual assaults are reported each year in the military and how that may be just the tip of the iceberg. >>> first, activists in antarctica are injured, who they got in a fight with, and what they said they were injured with. >>> also, nasa's final shuttle is about to get a permanent home. we're gonna erase breast cancer once and for all.
the same post shows shows arpaio. >>> shares of zinga slipped 6% today after getting a neutral ratingrancisco based online game developer host 50 cents per share after the report questioned their growth prospects. shares started at $10. >>> stocks hit a 6 month high on wall street today on news that the international monetary fund is increasing its effort to ease europe's debt crisis. the nasdaq was up 41 points at the end of trading. >>> it appears the doctor...
Jan 4, 2012
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. >> you've become a national sensation along the lines of sheriff joe arpaio. heard one media organization say a more reasoned, less in your face approach. i don't know if that's a right but i wonder what your clarian call for the congressional seat will be. >> i can easily stay sheriff and retire from that job. i love being an law enforcement officer and loved being a officer in the united states army. our country is in an emergency asman a trained first responder i'm usually running towards the crisis as others run the other direction. that's what we need, somebody to fix what's wrong and make tough decisions. >> neil: what's your platform? >> clearly the economy. people know i'm against illegal immigration, securing the border, i commanded 700 troops to secure the border and we have done that with the greatest success. above that is the deficit. i'm not talking just the deficit in washington financially but the deficit in leadership. we've got $15 trillion in debt and all we're hearing is a solution for millions of people out of work is more stimulus, more s
. >> you've become a national sensation along the lines of sheriff joe arpaio. heard one media organization say a more reasoned, less in your face approach. i don't know if that's a right but i wonder what your clarian call for the congressional seat will be. >> i can easily stay sheriff and retire from that job. i love being an law enforcement officer and loved being a officer in the united states army. our country is in an emergency asman a trained first responder i'm usually...
Jan 20, 2012
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a well known sheriff from arizona, joe arpaio is upset because the site applauded the deaths of one of his deputies. google would not comment on this specific case, but generally speaking, google will take down sites if they violate the company's policy. >>> sticking with the subject of google, the company's making investors a little nervous tonight. scott budman is here with the earnings, and the academic beat as well. >> let's start with your money. a lot of it tonight is a vortex. the mountain view search giant reporting quarterly numbers a bit below investor speculations. it could be a rough morning for google shareholders tomorrow. a smoother night if you own inning tell stocks. the largest chipmaker in the world -- intel shares up a bit in after hours trading. apple trying to shake things up at school. new software to replace your kids heavy textbooks with virtual books. for the students at santan tone yo elementary school. especially in lupe cruz's class, learning is a touch or a swipe away. it's also going to get easier to reach, now that apple has rolled out i books 2. a free
a well known sheriff from arizona, joe arpaio is upset because the site applauded the deaths of one of his deputies. google would not comment on this specific case, but generally speaking, google will take down sites if they violate the company's policy. >>> sticking with the subject of google, the company's making investors a little nervous tonight. scott budman is here with the earnings, and the academic beat as well. >> let's start with your money. a lot of it tonight is a...
Jan 19, 2012
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arpaio says he respects -- free speech but believes threats of violence crosses the line.e. >>> if you have business in san francisco's financial district tomorrow, beware occupy san francisco protesters and dozens of other groups planning major day of action. the 50 plus groups are playing a day long series of demonstrations to protest what they say are unjust foreclosures, war profiteering and labor violations by banks and other big businesses pro -- the groups say their goal is to create the largest protest in san francisco since the iraq war again. police warning drivers to expect traffic disruptions all day. >>> two big headlines out of the republican race for the white house. first, it now appears the man people once ed into the race is ready to walk away. -- drafted into the race is ready to walk away. second it appears neither romney nor santorum won the iowa caucus it was announced there is no official winner. >> reporter: the field may be smaller by one before the end of today. two sources are telling cnn that pick -- that rick perry is dropping out today. he wil
arpaio says he respects -- free speech but believes threats of violence crosses the line.e. >>> if you have business in san francisco's financial district tomorrow, beware occupy san francisco protesters and dozens of other groups planning major day of action. the 50 plus groups are playing a day long series of demonstrations to protest what they say are unjust foreclosures, war profiteering and labor violations by banks and other big businesses pro -- the groups say their goal is to...
Jan 8, 2012
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but at the maricopa county jail sheriff joe arpaio chose the black and white stripe uniforms and thek underwear and socks to send a message. >> this is joe aftrpaio's way t separate us away from regular society. >> put them in pink underwear. because they were smuggling the white underwear out of the jail. that is the official reason. the unofficial reason, they hate pink. you never give them a color they like. why give them things they like? >> inmates sometimes alter their uniforms to fit their own fashion sense. at the orange county jail in southern california we met a transgender inmate who prefers to be called alexis. >> myself and my celly are dressed as girls and the rest are dressed as guys. >> despite his physical appearance cortez was a male inmate housed in a men's unit. >> if you are in in the process of having a sex change if you have your male genital parts you are considered a male and be housed there whether or not you have breasts or -- it's what's below the belt that counts. >> at first it was startling watching these tapes when they came in from the field we though
but at the maricopa county jail sheriff joe arpaio chose the black and white stripe uniforms and thek underwear and socks to send a message. >> this is joe aftrpaio's way t separate us away from regular society. >> put them in pink underwear. because they were smuggling the white underwear out of the jail. that is the official reason. the unofficial reason, they hate pink. you never give them a color they like. why give them things they like? >> inmates sometimes alter their...
Jan 29, 2012
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it's a reputation promoted by the man who runs it all, sheriff joe arpaio. >> i'm not a social workernot a psychologist. i'm a law enforcement guy. so if they don't like the way i operate the jails, i got one answer to everybody -- either get out of town, or if you're here, don't violate the law, because you're not going into a hilton hotel in this county. >> get on the ground now! get on the ground now! get down! 23, get down. >> with his wild west reputation, we didn't expect to meet two young people at maricopa who not much earlier were considered role models as opposed to felons. >> no matter where we are you need to be serving god. right now we're all sitting in jail. i'm a very devout christian. i've gotten back to my walk with god. i was working in my church and everything before coming here. it's not jailhouse conversion or whatever. i just followed a friend and shouldn't have done that and helped him do something that i shouldn't have done. and it's going to cost me several years of my life. >> during our extended stay series at maricopa we told the story of 20-year-old john
it's a reputation promoted by the man who runs it all, sheriff joe arpaio. >> i'm not a social workernot a psychologist. i'm a law enforcement guy. so if they don't like the way i operate the jails, i got one answer to everybody -- either get out of town, or if you're here, don't violate the law, because you're not going into a hilton hotel in this county. >> get on the ground now! get on the ground now! get down! 23, get down. >> with his wild west reputation, we didn't...
Jan 31, 2012
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>>neil: you just implied, congressman, that mitt romney is getting arpaioing -- away by paying a rate that is not right, he is paying a capital rate on money he already paid the highest rate on, he took that money, and reinvested, and that money made money, and it is taxed at a different rate, 15 percent, but it is not as if he has masterminded a highway robbery here, right? >>guest: not a highway robbery, by any means but it is unfair tax code. he did pay taxes on the principle. but the principle is new getting additional income of another interest. and he is paying a less rate on the money he has made off of money. >>neil: but that kind of money taxed at that rate, congressman, compels those who want to invest and startup enterprise or turn companies around and risk their capital they will risk it when there is a rate of 15 percent, they might not if it is 30 percent or 40 percent or 50 percent. >>guest: fair assessment. but, you never know when the money pops offshore, if the money is in the cayman islands in a swits bank -- swiss bank account. we have no idea. utah, how this man m
>>neil: you just implied, congressman, that mitt romney is getting arpaioing -- away by paying a rate that is not right, he is paying a capital rate on money he already paid the highest rate on, he took that money, and reinvested, and that money made money, and it is taxed at a different rate, 15 percent, but it is not as if he has masterminded a highway robbery here, right? >>guest: not a highway robbery, by any means but it is unfair tax code. he did pay taxes on the principle....