thargugumenthat the uned states is over capapaci atmmmmigrati detetention centets and unable to hold new a arriva. autopsy results for jakelin caal maquin, the seven-year-old guatemalan girl who died while in u.s. custody in new mexico, confirm she died of sepsis, a bacterial infection. maquin, who entered the u.s. with her father in december, died just two days after she was detained by customs and border protection in new mexico. the medical examiner's report shows the infection led to the failure of multiple vital organs. doctors say maquin would have been visibly unwell for hours before she received medical care and was eventually taken to an el paso hospital. in other immigrationon news, president trump extended deferred enforced departure status, or ded, for some 4000 liberians living in the u.s. the extension, announced thursday just days before e it s set to expxpire, willastst for e year and reverses previous statements by trump. earlier this month, lawyers represenenting ded holders filea lawsuit to block the program's termination, alleging racial discrimination motivated trump's decisi