and consistent with commissioner arsay's comments that the department and environment has the environment now team that. portion that really is door-to-door would be more appropriate for the environment new staff, which are more directly supervised by city folks. really are entry level opportunities and don't en counter the sort of overhead that -- working through a contractor would get through this piece. i really hope this work is really, as i say, just focused on that work that staff can't do well and does support the overall programs. i hope those communities are taken in the constructive manner that they are offered in. >> thank you. commissioner, did you have questions? >> yeah, i had -- i concur mostly with those comments you said. what i would like to see it, reiterating what we asked barbara hale for is a real plan and consultant to come forward with what exactly they will be doing. seems like one of the first pieces of work is in phase i is really to figure out how we will reach the low hanging fruit, so to speak. there is also a lot of work to reach the low income communities,