art facts, i have his purple heart. he was gassed. and also, a bullet shell. on it is carved 1918. >> yeah. that's common, actually.> oh. >> there a whole field -- >> i might have to have talk with the dealer. [laughter] >> maybe. [laughter] >> i wonder if anybody tried to call him. that's called trench art. soldiers had a lot of down time in the trenches with and they would often carve thing kind of like sailors did scrim shaw a century earlier. that's interesting. but that -- you know, i heard from a lot of people since the book was published who tell me that they never realized they had somebody in their family in world war i until they opened an old chest and found a bunch of paper or opened an old book on a shelf and found a letter home from fran or something like that. and, you know, it's an interesting thing. i talk about bella wood and people dug art facts up out of the earth. in other part of the france, you don't have to dig. every time a field plowed, to this day, things pop up. every time. i have walking through a field in the town of are main, france. a morning in june of 2009, and a couple of minutes