you're watching artane live from moscow straight to our top story now divers have found the bodies of more than one hundred people around thirty of them children trapped inside a pleasure cruiser that sank on russia's falcon matter so far twelve people have been officially confirmed dead from sunday's tragedy republican stan search and rescue teams worked throughout the night on the recovery operation continues today teams talk about is monitoring the efforts. the hunt is still on going for any possible survivors the count the emergencies ministry has set up behind me next to the ball go on a small beach here the small boats keep coming to and from this site and they're part of the largest search effort this is screening the area where the area river pleasure cruiser sank to try and find any people still in the water although that looks looking increasingly unlikely now or scattered on some of the small islands around where the boat sank we heard from one of their spokesman earlier about what they found when they reached the scene of the sun can push across a. hole and waited for an a