the creators of success were arseniy osipenka and artem mironenko. as the commander-in-chief of the belarusian team dmitry koratkevich noted, for the guys this is. olga polchevskaya's team occupies the thirteenth place in the tournament table, having earned three points after four matches. the girls will play their next match at home on october 6 against leningradka. we have created something unique and very important for our country, our state publication, many, unfortunately, perceive attempts to distort the falsification of the history of western belarus and the bssr, which are actively thrown in, especially after the collapse of the soviet union, so this publication clearly on a documentary basis refutes in fact many of these. attempts to distort the falsification of our historical past of this period, i always considered my trip to hollywood as to any other studio, for me their mentality their existence has never been an example of such a space where i would definitely like to work, we have until the end years, virtually all hotel rooms in minsk