that are set to the music of our classics , especially about pivovarov, which is recorded by artem pivovarovagues based on the poems of lesya ukrainka by mykhailo semenka, and a lot of people got attached to his songs together with nk on tychyna's poem protopolyu said that everything is wrong there, that tychyna's text does not match the text in the song and that you can't put it like that at all well, you have to do it like that in general, you have to do it somehow differently, you have to make sure that everything is exactly like the violent wind of freedom, the geeks are going in principle, i like it when there is a use of a passage of the text , for example, or it is from the forces, that is, who are they in the texts , there are references to which it was directly, and there are references to the works when they somehow change, re-sing the text, and i agreed, it is not very pleasant to me, that is if you want to write a song, you just take the text and just sing and everything, as far as i'm concerned, you don't need to change it, you don't need to mix it with your text somehow directl