one of the goals is called artha. what does that mean?it means you're supposed to go out and make money. it's your duty to make money. it's your obligation to make money, right? because you have to take care of your family, you have to take care of your kids. and it's only pursuing money that you will be awakened the last goal of hinduism which is liberation the detachment of money. in other words, you have to pursue artha in order to realize there's something else in life, liberation. and so i think a conversation in india right now like india's growing, it's growing really fast how do we make sure we don't become totally westernized? and there's a fear of that happening. a lot of people are saying come back to the hindu scriptures and make sure that we're human money, but we also realize we're not the end all and be all. >> good. tell me about wall street and if you had a imagine you can wand and you could reform aspects of wall street where do you find the biggest problems? on wall street? >> i think if you want to have reform on wall