incredible global takeover when you look at the speech that was given by monsanto's consultant arthur andersen in one nine hundred ninety nine january they described that the ideal future of monsanto's executives was a world in which one hundred percent of all commercial seeds were genetically engineered and patented and had monsanto's associated chemicals sold alongside that and they created the plan to create the strategy and tactics to achieve that ideal future within fifteen to twenty years i suppose this is it is this just monsanto are there other companies and syngenta down dupont and bear the five major jim crow tell me what gene drift is gene drift i plant over here my pollen comes up doesn't read the sign that says do not spray comes over across pollinates with your plants or the seeds blow over or a passing truck comes in delivering canola seeds in the wind blows and it ends up on your farm there's no coexistence that's possible because nature has figured out a way to spread her bounty over centuries and millennia and this and this gene drift is not just a problem with soybeans to kn