. >> did we win when arthur anderson disappeared? not a frivolous argument.ey are wrong. >> what you're describing though of letting banks go under, this is what people like me are saying this is against the bailouts. if an auto maker or a bank disappeared because that's what the market was tick indicating that we would be fine. and it was politicians saying we can't standby and do this. so how much of the problem is that these people are protected not just in your view from criminal prosecution, but also in my view from the market forces. so they are more protected from anything. >> you're exactly right. i share your libertarian perspective on this, but they are protected because of the federal guarantee behind them means they get the upside and not the downside. and therefore, they feel that in a risk-free environment, they can do what they want. we will backstop them. there are ways to restructure the banks that would have eliminated the structural problem. still do it today. the banks still depend upon the federal guarantees to get their capital to borrow