i went to hope college and went to work for arthur anderson, and felt the call, went to seminary. was going to teach systematic theology and a lot is ethics, fits in there fill officially. that was my goal. and while i was in seminary, i went to princeton seminary and came down here to wesleyan seminary and there was a guy writing ethics in one book, it's not a punch line. i got very interested in that. a lot of seminarian students were interested in justice. that term justice is a tricky one. it's a got a long pedigree but shaped more recently to end up in the leftist tradition or leftist moral description lately. and i think it has a longer pedigree, so i'm very interested in exploring that. i've taught it over the last 19 years. so, i pursued those themes in seminary and then went on from wesley, butts right up to american university so i said i want to pursue these further through ph.d. and-n economics. you can get the city around, can you go to interesting talks by world class people across the board every night. and so pursued that through my ph.d.. i was lucky enough to app