arthur burns chaired the council of economic advisers.rge humphrey was secretary of the treasury. they didn't always agree. he used to say when arthur burns came, "here comes arthur with his kit of tools." he meant his tools for dealing with the recession. at various times he got out of line. humphrey got out of eisenhower's line by saying, "increasing expenditures in a recession is really a terrible thing." he was more in the hoover image. he quickly got back into line. ike's forecast showed unemployment climbing past 6% during the winter of 1954, the highest level since the depression. millions of workers were idle. eisenhower went to the people to urge confidence. he predicted the economy would improve. he promised spending programs if it didn't. he was ready to take action, but didn't have to. if you keep tax rates stable, then the revenue will fall when the economy falls because people have less income. the revenue will rise when the economy rises because people will have more income. that stabilizes the economy. some expenditures wi