as i mentioned earlier, you have collaborated with some extraordinary authors and arthur c clarke comesfiction addicts as somebody who could imagine the unimaginable. what was he like when you communicated with him and talked to him late in his life? yeah, he was in his 80s when i was working. he had lived through so much. much of what he predicted, logically, had worked out. a lot of it hadn‘t. but he was continually interested... did that bother him? he got it wrong? what i asked him about specifically was about space flight, how come we don‘t have places on mars now, as predicted. he said no, because so much of what has happened was so enriching. the robot probes to jupiter and beyond. he loved all that. he set novels out there late in life. so he never got tired of that curious search for the next thing that was coming round the corner? exactly, yeah. he was always open to curiosity, to new influences. to new writers. he read the latest sf, like mine, and stayed curious right till the end. let‘s go back finally to the martians themselves. when we‘ve finished this book, what do you w