how far do you think we are, you quote, arthur c. clarkking about it will occur, this space elevator 10 years after everyone quits laughing. as he said back in 2003 they quit laughing. how far away is the space elevator? smile take, lou, i take take great optimism you're not laughing. we're on to a serious subject here. the technology is here. recall when jack kennedy challenged us in 1961 to go to the moon. america's total flight time was 15 minutes. eight years, three months later we were on the moon. we could do the same thing now and transform space technology. lou: right. >> hey, there is limitless energy, 200 miles up. once you get this in place, you can people energy back down along the cable itself. limitless energy for a starving world. lou: everything william fortune is talking about is something that nasa is conceptualizing and working on helping at least at the insipient point to develop. william fortune, the book is "pillar to the sky." recommend to each and everyone of you, available online at bookstores everywhere. great to