. >>> supervisors, arthur feinstein, chair of the sierra bay club. second what has been said previously. i am very much in support of this. it's poor process. in fact, it's probably not a legal process that the department has taken in combining these two very disparate elements into one e-i-r. it's unclear to me when, if you have this hearing again we will have the opportunity to testify again -- i hope so -- and we would urge you at the very least if you can't just move it on to the full board which we think you should, it has been hanging here for a long time. that you schedule it for this committee next week, then, so that it can move forward this year. again, it's been with you for around five months now. rec and park has had ample time to comment on it. if it hasn't, it's sort of bad showing and bad faith to say at the last moment, wait, don't do this. and, again, this does not affect sharp park. this is in terms of the current management. does not affect outcomes. it simply asks for an appropriate process. so, thank you very much. appreciate it