. >> character dive int arthur fleck becoming the joker, i was wondering what he was going to be likwhen saw him in person. coolest h guy. e was like happy, fun. >> oh, good. that will be fun today. at.it was weirdth transition for tomorrow and t phillips.m >> you mentioned stephen king. >> yes. >> this is a cool idea. essentially someone wants to p you $1,300 to watch 13 steph king films before halloween through dish nation. i'm sorry dishrk netwo. my apologies and the website says this. if you can scroll down it says get your popcorn ready and the cozy yesterday blanket near. u.s. dish.com is looking for one unlung lucky fan to watch 13 vi besas keding's most chilling novels with it chapter twsnd s aoon. we want to pay you $1,300 to wiesscl 13 horroassics in preparation for pennyise torres. this is interesting because they say they also want t track your experience. your sleep who you're watching it with, your heart rate, your jump scares.if we continue scron you'll see there's a list of movies iant to mention they have the 13 films the movies they'll show you that uyo halloween are ca