arthur khalilulov, tatarinform, vladimir vladimirovich, as we know, brix will be held in kazan, the summit so-called rules, well, first of all, western ones, as we understand, right? and the second question: is the choice of kazan connected with the fact that the capital of tatarstan has recently become a kind of diplomatic hub in relations with eastern countries and countries of the muslim world. thank you. big, no, it’s just due to the fact that tatarstan is developing well, which means both the former president and today’s minikhanov are working well, we see the result, i remember, i’m with mishayuvich came, we also went to houses, well, you know, what made me happy then , they couldn’t be called houses, dugouts, in fact, this was in the early 2000s, dugouts in the full sense of the word, but... those who are guided their interests and the interests of their partners, do not impose anything on anyone, do not create any military blocs, create conditions for joint effective development, this is what russia’s work as the chairman of brix next year will be devoted to. but what planes will w