(arthur penn) another thing is that hawks liked women and that shows up. (woman) stop it, stop it.top making a holy -- (gunshot) "stop it," i said. i'm mad, good and mad and who wouldn't be? you, gus, and pretending you're going to kill him. (clint eastwood) there's always a place for the strong woman, not only to be the catalyst to the male protagonist. but if the female protagonist has-- the more strength she has the better it is for the whole conflict, or the situation. hold me, feel me in your arms. do i feel weak, tom? i don't, do i? oh, you'll need me. you'll need a woman. you need what a woman can give you, to do what you have to do. oh, listen to me, tom, listen with your head and your heart. the sun only shines half the time, tom. the other half is night. i've made up my mind. change your mind, tom. just once in your life, change your mind. i'll send for you. (thomas schatz) there is an incompatibility in the desire for a woman and everything she represents. the bearer of culture. the bearer of children. the figure whose fundamental function is to tie the man down. and the