he sends a well-known naval commander, when he was leaving port in france in a race with arthur philip he had to throw a stowaway off the ship twice. the stowaway was completely obsessed with australia. wanted to know more. loved the concept of kangaroos, heard about kangaroos and koalas but was literally trying to get on this boat to go and he said if you come on again i will have you flogged, threw him off and he ran a few days after arthur philip set up a colony of sydney. he had a glass of sherry, governor arthur philip, the british and french were not at war with each other but he sits down and two ships would never sail again. never sail again. the young frenchman that he threw off his ship, napoleon bonaparte, history would have changed quite dramatically had he been on that ship. we had a hand from that very moment. the history that has been forged in shared pain that in many ways defines how loyal you are to each other and really that is where we start. australia made a massive commitment in what was known as the great war, world war i. it was on the other side of the world an