general arthur sinclair was one of the commanders of what was the northwest territory. he is responsible for changing the name to cincinnati in honor ,f the society of cincinnatus which was an early military organization. the back of the mural in silver highlights are different forms of transportation. in the cincinnati mural, you see waterent kinds of transportation. in the u.s. mural, you see different types of land transportation. and then you see what might be the future of transportation, airplanes and airships. the heyday of the terminal was the 1940's. previously, through the 1930's, it had not seen much use. the depression hit rail travel very hard, as had the emergence of the automobile. during world war ii, it was a major transportation hub for troops moving from coast to coast. a lot of groups coming through union terminal was a memorable experience that struck with them -- stuck with them for the rest of their lives. the space they primarily remember is the rotunda space with the wide arch and murals. it is very much a staggering space. this was quite an exp