and a quote was coined by former michigan senator arthur vandenberg, "politics stops at the water's edge." this picture we are very proud of. it is right outside here, in the reception room. very few united states senators have their portraits painted on the wall in the reception room. and i'm very proud that one of those is a former republican senator from west michigan, senator arthur vandenberg. he was the great nemisis against president f.d.r. he hated the new deal. he went after president roosevelt at every turn on his domestic agenda. but as chairman of the foreign relations committee, when we were being attacked in pearl harbor and world war ii was happening, he stepped up and said politics stops at the water's edge. and for over 70 years that was the way the united states of america was operated. that's the way the senate operated. we have lost that, and i am deeply concerned not as a democrat but as an american for where we find ourselves today on matters of such seriousness, international threats to our country. we can debate them. we can have differences. ment if someone loses