rabbi arthur waskow is opposed to bds. he is founder and director of the shalom center in philadelphia. we welcome you both. professor, start by explaining what bds is and why you think this boat in brooklyn, new york is so important. >> bds is part of a larger movement of nonviolent resistance and palestine. it is very similar to the civil actions in several activities that were led by martin luther king in the u.s. against segregation. it is very similar to what ghandi led in inda. we have a situation of apartheid and segregation and occupation that is become the longest in modern history. the segregation is destroying our life. the so-called peace talks have become a peace process that is a substitute to peace. it is not producing any results and has become a cover for israeli expansion settlement activity. there have been a number of talks. as long as there are no balance between sides, no change in the balance of power. the whole non-violent movement is about changing the balance, about producing a new situation which