i wanted to introduce you to him, arkady, good afternoon, meet him, this is artyom vasiliev, artyom,l save you, he will solve your problem, together you make a normal bird feeder, hurray, i 'll go to the market for some seeds, then we 'll taste some from the feeder, that's it, good luck, well, artyom, where should we start, i have absolutely no experience in these matters, we need to take the blank, yes, yes, these are the side panels, and this is the bottom, where the prosachets, stripes are, like this, and now we... we'll fasten it somehow, like this, oh, how wonderful it turns out, and what 's next? now we'll do it there again, that is, what are we arriving at now, to what, to the pokes, well, this is so that the seeds don't spill out, this is so that ours don't spill out tasty seeds, how did you manage to say goodbye to this? with a huge hammer, i would have definitely hit my wings, if you hit the wings, you won’t be able to fly off, that’s true, yes, artem, it’s important how hard you hammer in the nails, like this, remember, it’s very important, like this, stop, screw this in,