they are recommending manslaughter against arvind tandel.fell asleep at the wheel, veering off the road. his daughters were thrown from the vehicle and killed. the chp says tandel knew he should have had more sleep. but the deputy d.a. says they'll be considering if his loss was punishment enough. >> even though we can say, yes, a crime was committed and yes, we know who did it, in this particular case it's not the right thing to do. now, i'm not saying that's gonna be the decision we reach here. we're not there yet. but sometimes that does happen. >> the d.a.'s office requested more photographs and recordings from the chp vehicles. a decision on charges is expected in about another week. >>> she had a really, really big heart. >> for the first time tonight, we're hearing from those who knew the victims of a horrific crash that killed three people. >>> tourism is taking care of some bay area budget problems. the record being set in this one city. blam %c1 Ñáçwçñ look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse hi