than arwa thank you for that update. of the united states has a long and mixed history of supporting rebels in internal conflicts but exulting is going to try to turn reports helping out anti government forces can sometimes for. there's going to be a period of time really trying to figure out you know who is in charge who's really genuine who's really interested in the goals of the future of libya and then who is really corrupt and out to herself again. and you're not going to gain that from buying them twenty thousand feet above the air or less you're going to only gain out from from boots on the ground the american people are not stupid and i think you just really really really good for for our government and our leaders to just come out and say we want the leader of libya out of power whether he's captured whether he's killed whether he's sent into exile but that's really what we want we want regime change and we're entering a revolution that we know very little about and we don't know and be careful what comes out on