-- who had been on stonewall jackson's staff, to get people from this area to go to brazil as as confederados. he made an especially strong appeal to mrs. thornton who lived over here on beach street because her husband was killed at sharpsburg, loevited their home here but she had four young boys and he said they have their chance of full development to get out of here and go to brazil. her local minister, the pastor of the presbyterian church told him to leave his parishioners alone that he would their spiritual advisers. the reality is they opened up but it was to be an outreach to our kind of people there. >> thank you. >> i just had a quick question. do you think the majority of the people, do you have any information on this, left for political reasons, not wanting to live under yankee rule or was it more economics hoping to reestablish a slave institution in brazil or elsewhere? and also, do you have any information perhaps about the states that they were more likely to have left were deep south states like alabama, mississippi or upper south states, which i would think it would be dee