she hired 39 more people as an upholsterer -- as upholsterers.hat is what drives the american academy. i met a guy in southern illinois who graduated second in his high school class. he concluded that college was not likely to be part of his future. he went to his data and said, can you loan me some money. -- he went to his dad and said, can you loan me some money? they worked out a deal and he bought a hamburger grill and a roller that makes hotdogs. by the time he added up the cost, it was more than the money he had. he concluded that the only thing he could make with the money that he had was sandwiches. he set up tables in the garage and started making sandwiches. -- jimmyy jo9hn's johns employs 6000 americans. i love the american entrepreneurship. it will put people back to work and cause wages and take-home pay to work -- take-home pay to come back. when the president said that in roanoke, i could not believe it. he got up there and said, if you have a business, you did not build it. he sd, you are taking me out of context. the context is w