french computer scientist left in 2013 he says the algorithms that spell you cheap 6 asaad g.p.s. at best the use of. reason which is not officially interdictions that can process millions of user sessions will see which media is are going to be the most likely to keep people in the names of all. the key to me is it watch time it's the product of hit statistics and average running times to get that with the time you spend on you tube the longer you sustain on the website the better for you tube that's the company run more ads which then add up to lots of money. the videos that have proven most effective out those with polarizing and extreme and recommendation algorithms play that part. it's like a vicious circle you just watch one because you're all your curious and then here goes and we recommend it again and again jews rule the world homosexuality is a. disease and refugees rape women and steal jobs wild theories like these are hugely popular on you tube because an algorithm gives them greater exposure but why exactly are we so receptive to videos like these why do we click on t