and outside of london asad , rehman, executive director of "war on want."nd antonia juhasz is an oil and energy journalist. her latest piece is headlined, "paramilitary security tracked and targeted #nodapl activists as "jihadists," docs show." let's go to michael mann and your response to just what happened yesterday in the white house rose garden. >> thank you. it is good to be with you. what can be said that hasn't already been said. i thought you laid it out well. the u.s. through the actions of donald trump as an international outlaw. we literally are on the sidelines with syria and nicaragua is the only -- and nicaragua has not signed onto the paris accord because they think it does not go far enough. as the only countries now that are not respecting the commitments of the paris accord. of most dangerous aspect that action is the potential ripple effect with the second largest emitter of carbon on face of e planet, the u.s., withdrawing, the fear is this will create a snowball effect, a ripple effect where other countries like india might say, well, i