i also have boilers in my asalvi area, along with them. i took it to install that super heavy lifter with a weight of 140 tons and a boiler that produces about 120 tons per hour. it produces steam 120 bar and with a so-called temperature of 550 degrees, i.e. superheat, and this is actually admirable for our domestic scientists and manufacturers, as well as the whole box that was installed in petrochemical, the kragonic arm that the imagination and imagination of installing it in in the past, it was one of the dreams, it was built in the country , it was installed, and of course, during the work, sometimes minor problems are found, they are immediately fixed and referred to. they are now looking for their own goods and equipment in the manufacturing markets of iran in our diplomatic negotiations, one of the topics that we discussed with our foreign parties was mostly goods and equipment, i'm sorry, catalysts and chemicals, an important part of which is actually the multitude of diverse products of the petrochemical industry, such as polymer