city but the bit of the city built on the delta around the port has gone though up to four meters asarco in japan has gone down three meters tianjin gone down two meters shanghai has subsided three meters jakarta in indonesia subsided four meters and is still subsiding very fast today manila probably a meter of calcutta and aca we're not really sure but they're almost certainly going down and then places like new orleans new orleans has subsided up to three meters and is continuing to subside vancouver in canada areas there have subsided in excess of a meter and so all these cities i've named have become much more vulnerable to coastal flooding because of this substance without any consideration of other changes. everywhere in the world citizens sinking because of excessive pumping of ground water for big cities situated on down to other factors can worsen this subsidence the ground under these regions has a natural tendency to compact in the past rivers brought new sediments to partly compensate for this subsidence dams built by man of upset this delicate balance. sometimes when we had