the national speakers asassociation has put out to books about e business of getting paid to speak how do you get paid to speak and paid to speak consistently over time, other thanan being a celebrity? rebecca: or someone who survived to season three of survivor. bill: and there you go. those people come onto the scene for a while, are hot for a while, a then they go away, unless they have been able to build d something over time that gives them staying power. rebea: i think ted talks are a great example. some people yonever heard of give ted talks because they have a compelling story. you say are yowilling to become a better speaker. it's not enough to just be cocomfortable in front of the microphone. bill: exactl it's cononstantly working on the craft and getting better. some people have a certain amount of natural ability and that gets them pretty far. i was pretty fny in n front of a group, but had to learn to be funnier. how to create interactioion with the audience, all of thahat aspepect of bei a better speaker. i wa't iucted into the halall of fame, or couldn't have been induct