.@@@@@@@ asaw mypillow it was not-- you at one of your shows.@@@@@@@ and i thought, you know,children memory-foam pillows.@@@@@@@@ the flat pillows,? i'd invested enough money?@@@@@@ ight's sleep@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ my life in years. w.@@ i have energy, and i love my pillow.@@@@@@@ did you believe it when you seen the sign@@ and he was like, "you want to@ end money on a pillow?@@@@@@ pillow, love it. thank you, that's awesome.@@ ey have bought so many in the past tha@ a lot of confide product that he@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ d that they do believe highly? what the product is.@@@@@@@ for the pillow that you've made, mike.@ d they-- is is0from--@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i send pillows er to afghanistan.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ this guy,0he wrote me, d they-- said, "i'm writing you@@@@@@@@@ ght now, m sleeping on a cot@@@@@@@@@@@@@ with a bag full of unused? othes as a pillow,"@@@@@@@@@@@@@ some of those@ we've seen today.@@@ and what we did,of unused? sent them pillows,?@@@@@@@@@@@@ d i can't beginp w nice it is@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ d what we've done--@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 've been sendine er there to our troops.?@