together to coordinatelices.óvi here are thefu@noc rec 2 itmposes tougher rulno c go2vernnt bgets, such ascrackutomatifor countriesf óvilfu@zone countriesy $3óv00ile billion to auntr@ies.noc rec 2c2 plan, but that s&p @noc rec 2rec 2u@noc today's marketúv ailctfuioúvilf2 thank the u.s. consumenoc rec 2 a widely watched mea @onsumer sentiment showeúvdin au @oc hareppc ie c resuc mm2it resulted inet rul2 it was not t úvil that the market had hop fu for now. úvilnefuverthe@less, nofu@noc r2 sidelines and tradnoc rec 2 think therave'ils of caution. avtriladfuers ar@e sawhat? noc fu@ 2 them in the afternoon, but @that tnohic s reisc a2 turnin" 2equities have risen ina plan to europe's problems will dog uilf@ rec in2ve years. @noc rec 2 toward a comprehensive areachedh means we're goover eavffilecfute to have headfueuro@zone, noanc p still think the eurozonenoc rec2 >> reporter: ryan thinav bviloffu chopp@y trbvilfu@noc r2 bviletowth that's going to tranl @see sonomec ore whether its a spilfueurozo@ne oe eurozone spillover again nexbvi. bvrtil,"fu new y@ork.noc rec 2@s @e's c.e fund.bvilfu@n bvtoilda