and director for reacting the way they did. there's a lot of people there, particularly the tech people, the 21 people, the asela people were there, and then of course from the city. miguel? >> miguel. >> that was the first speaker, right? yeah, he's been around this. he knew exactly. and the terminology they used to have a kind of green, orange and red, so i guess we're in orange and orange is good. this is where we're supposed to be and we're going green. all the right signs are there. the setbacks -- >> colors. >> yeah. talked about the 1, 2, 3, 4 process, we're in the 4 process. and basically they were a little bit worried the fact that in a four we were dealing with some information that should have been in the two and three. and that was because of soft story programs and stuff that were coming in that request for the [inaudible] to be put in that should have been there. so they had normal growing peens, ing pains, but there was nothing there -- the 7% fee reduction, those type of things. the odds said we can do it. if we cannot do it this is something that's going to have to be done and amended down the road further. >> le