. >> are you getting asense of what the president is thinking and how they are going to approach this> well, you know, it will be a shock to me if they decide to go strident at the supreme court. i think their expectation is the -- the one thing they don't expect a full overturn. in their heart of hearts, they think it is going to be somewhere in the middle. they still think they have a good shot at full uphold. they have always believed that, that at the end of the day, that they, you know, when you look at the various different conservative jurists on lower courts that have looked at this and have upheld the law, they believe that ultimately, this whole thing will get upheld. and that if there's parts of it that are struck down, it will be "severable" that the court will find it that way. so, they are not -- a full overturn and perhaps what chri is outlining, you know, perhaps maybe that changes their political dynamics. my understanding, that isn't the thinking they have, as far as the mechanics of today f it is a full uphold, we will hear from the president sooner rather than late