years. -- su ort waiting asfour 30 years. -- support for— waiting asfour 30 years. -- support for 30. is that a good thing forjapan�*s economy? it doesn�*t sound like it could be. what about consumers? are they benefitting in any way? you put your finger on the pulse here. i�*m living in a country, japan, wherei in [i country, japan, wherei in 11 people live off a pension. for a pensioner, the big problem is inflation, the fact that food prices and energy prices are rising, the fact that the stock market is going up because of great corporation action doesn�*t really matter when you�*re on a pension. so the gap, y°u you�*re on a pension. so the gap, you know, given how top—heavy, how old japan is, the gap between the feel—good factor for the people and the feel—good factor for the stock market is widening further. before we go, a panel tasked with reviewing boeing�*s operations has raised serious concerns about the plan—maker�*s management systems. the review found a disconnect between staff. it found measures were not implemented across the company. that�*s it for this edition of as