the labor party and lit another labor member spoke a short while ago when he described his vote as ashanti give me now we've heard alex saying that not enough people from labor i expected to switch how do you see it. would really know is that many and the labor party think that this is the so-called blindfold bracks this is what they this is how they call it they think that without the political declaration they're voting for a future. said that's highly unsound and that will might be shaved by another tory prime minister possibly to the right of ceres i may. say the kind of pranks that that they don't want labor ones and rank said that sees the u.k. much closer to the european union much closer aligned possibly in the customs union some form of access to the single market so they are feeling just into that you briefly let's have a look look at what jeremy called them is saying and fundament to act in the best interests of their constituents and to vote down this on an acceptable to you. there are many people who fear for their jobs fear for their industry all whether they are their friend