(voice onlly"im so glad to be able to vote"she arrrves at ashburton elementary school:(voice)"look at the people here.."there are longglines... (harriet)"if i vote for oneepprson.. im ready to go home... llugh"(man at counter)"first name"(nurse and harriet)"right where the x is" harriet recalls priorr presidential races:(harriet) remember... didd ou vote for bush... who? "but she's not concerned about the past... (in boothh"she this is real hard for me to rrach"this ccncerned about the future. (in booth)""ow what do i do now?"(close from front)"i havent voted? nnt yett. not &ti which buttom"-nattpop-"got one of names and issues.... (two shoo wider from front)"i dont know what its about"but harriet 's quust to ecide who lives in the white house for &pthe exx 4 years.. is complete. wheeling away from boooh)"thank you.. thaak you god... " her ccvic duty: done. ("heres you sticker that says.. i votedd.") in northwest balt. voiie " i wanttto beesure i can vott." jones is one of the hundreds of people in this area who rides to polling places. for a woman in illinois... it was her irstttime