joel: the story is about ashlee vance and this effort to archive code in a vault in the swedish arctic. it is sort of an incredible one, because maybe you have heard about this seed vault, about the worst-case scenario, the world as we know it comes to an end, at least there are seeds you can plant. right next to the seed vault is a code vault. kailey: talk about why this is important. joel: earlier this year, microsoft bought github. they are based on this idea of open source. open source has been around for years, and it is ultimately this thing that powers a lot of the things we use, even from little parts in your car are built on open source code. the thinking is that stuff is maybe the most powerful code in the world. let's make sure there is a backup for it. jason: i've got to ask you about the rag story. joel: one of my favorites. we love these stories that are often about things hidden in plain sight that we take for granted. take the rag, the humble rag. there is a modest industry behind making those rags. there is a book that came out, and this is one of the excerpts we bough