ashley bell was elected in 2008 at age 27 to become a hall counties youngest ever commission and one its youngest in the state of georgia. commissioner bell is a graduate of gainesville high, and attended law school, he is a successful attorney and partner, practicing law through the state of georgia. also honored to be the 21st century leader fellow at the harvard university, john f. kennedy school of government. ashley bell. [applause] >> you just change parties recently, right? okay. ruth c. jones, city manager, riviera beach from florida. she's producers as the cement for rivera beach, a city that has 7% african-americans, particular work as city manager in june 2009, she served as deputy counsel, county manager. also assistant county manager for seven years. she played a key role in the developing of the county's overall budget, was totaled nearly $1 million. this jones convinced that riviera beach is the right place at the right time but she says i think all of us together, even in these challenging times we can show strength and work to create long-term success. ruth c. jones.