reporting from san jose, i'm ashley cunha. update news." high schoolers from around the bay area gathered on campus to create some strange gizmos and gadgets. and two s-j-s-u business majors are providing late night munchies for their fellow students. but first we asked students how concerned they are about north korea. ">>>diaz: "i haven't really thought too much about it, but i am little concerned just because i know that they have that possibility of destroying us if that happens." salehi: "i'm just worried, like, the u.s., like, doesn't have enough systems for the, like, back-up plan to the anti-missiles system that might, like, destroy us." thompson: "i have no idea what is happening in north korea right now." elkins: "and i will say that there is always that mild concern that something might happen but there's not really too much that i can do about it. so i kinda just find out as much information as i can and get updates that way." trout: "i pray that god will bring peace to the men who want to attack. you know? i just pray that god