. >> i'm ashley f. miller, writer 8thiest and player of the ukulele and i'm in the stream. >> today was day 1 of the food stamp challenge. once again i'm trying to eat this week for $4.15 per day. i feel full but i don't feel good. i don't feel healthy at all. and that's a problem for me. >> that was gregory, he was one of just many people who participated in the food stamp challenge last year which was a voluntary decision to eat on less than $4 a day. like a lot of people on the snap program do. now as a point of clarification snap was designed to supplement food budgets not be the whole budget. the average is $133 many 40, that comes out to about $1.40 to supplement each meal. andy, you are employed, you use the program, are you able to add to the budget or are you eating exclusively off the supplement? >> i have been eating exclusively off the supplement before. i was unemployed, work temporary work catering jobs short term. paid canvassing gigs. since i have been working at the guardian i will circulate a