-ashooting 10 years ago last@aralyzed and ended @ % -his treatmentof becominga @ % -commercial airline pilot.@ % -afterlearningabout the back@ % -story, anoakland police@ % -sergeant helpedhealong with@ % -mayorschaafand fame d pilot @ % -"sully"sullenbergerpresented @ % -with a $10,000 check yesterday @ % -to use for tuition atpacific @ % -state aviation. @ % ->> i feelgood. @ % -ifeelreallygood, like, this@ % -is...i'm sohappy,i'm so@ % -excited. @ % -> > rather than becominga pilot @ % -he now plans tobecomea night @ % -instructor.@ % -friendsand cityofficials @ % -helped raise the money fo r @ % -carr's tuition.@ % - p>> aswe wrap up ahistoric@ % -presidential campaign, history @ % -of a different kindhas unfolded@ % -in the bay area. @ % -stephcurry wa s onfirelast@ % -nightat oracle arena makinga @ % -record:13, three-pointers@ % -against neworleans and hedid @ % -it one game after snapping157 @ % -straight contestswitha three @ % -pointer. @ % -finishingwith46points andthe @ % -dub s won 116-106.@ % -aboutt