the president of afghanistan, ashrafgani also fled, he abandoned the people and the afghanistan war began united states owns over 31% of the country's assets amounting to 36.8 trillion dollars. the assets held by the bottom 50% of the us population amounts to just 1% of total assets. 미국은 자국에 있어서는 철저하게 엘리트주의 정책을 민주당 공화당으로 대변되는 이 정치 엘리트들, 그다음에 경제 엘리트들, 이런 극소수가 new york is facing its worst homeless crisis since the great depression of the 1930s. the us government has declared a comprehensive policy to reduce homelessness, but despite this effort, number of homeless people in the united states has increased for four consecutive years, surpassing. 580,000. these individuals wander the streets exposed to drugs and other crimes and violence of steep inflation. severe inflation has led to extreme crime rates and in shopping districts, iron chains have appeared to prevent theft, and there was even incident where thousands of pieces of luggage were stolen from a freight train. 빈익 부익부 사회 미국의 약 60%가 거의 하루 벌어 하루 먹습니다. 중산청은 거의 붕괴됐어요. 초고도의 이런 피라미드 체계가 <0xeb><0xbe><0xb0>족한 체제예요. 밑에는 거의 대부분이다. 극변청이죠. 거의 하