i'm ashton richards, jerry's architect. and what i would like to address arrow one, which would be sitting on the landing, standing on the landing of jerry's proposed project facing the neighbors facade. and the point i would like to make is at that site angle, when you're looking at is the inside frame of the windows and their backyard. essentially two black strips of glass. it's very difficult to see into their -- into their -- into their house. but -- but you can. and that's because the railing is at waist height. the material, the railing is inconsequential at that point. when you get back into the project, it's almost impossible to see into their house, if not impossible. so the material doesn't make any difference whether it's solid glass or opaque. and that's my primary point. >> i just wanted to add to that when you are standing within the proposed new living area, standing up and attempting to look directly into the neighbor's property and/or backyard, the angle is so sharp and so steep, that it's virtually impossi