these are clearly real beings ashworth be they in your elsewhere these beings are saying in two thousand and twelve something might happen what do people do we don't want to die we don't want our families to die either and because of this if you capable of everything only if you're ready to kill you do regularly said to us would you be ready to fight for me and we said of course. you live in fear all the time and i'm convinced that all the followers who are still into it if they're still followers it's because they are still living in fear. despite his incarceration the master still has his followers they are afraid of the end of the. on december twenty first two thousand and twelve the very next day if we are still here other dates will be suggested. since the fall of the roman empire no fewer than one hundred eighty three prophecies have wrongly predicted the end of the world. choose your language. of choice because you know if the literal front of it is still some honest. truth of the concerns you. q three opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that imply do not. choose the ac