asian american, but more than just that, right? >> yeah. you know, i'm filipino, but i was raised in chicago. now live in new jersey but from brooklyn. so i think my food is inspired by just the life-day basis. for me, this cereal is the opposite of what my parents would give me for breakfast. >> this is interesting. even though you grew up obviously with filipino influences, you craved the not? american fast food? so as i grew up, even that urge for fast food or, you know, what i never was able to have has influenced my cooking today. >> you took the spatula into your own hands. your mom would say no, and you basically started making the pancakes on your own. >> yeah. you know, i say that that's where my first dish came from. you know, my mom had a beautiful fishhead stew now that if my mom made it now, i'm loving it. as like an 8, 9-year-old kid, i saw this dish and was like, i am not eating that. i want apple pancakes. my poor mother, r.n., works the graveyard shift, takes care of three kids and my father. she said, "you want pancakes, make them yourself." i took the box, this can't be that hard, made them myself. >> boom. a career is born. >> at 17, you go to the culinary inst